Monday 27 September 2010

American Psycho

Reading Literature can be one of the most rewarding things to do. It can transport you to another world or time, it can place new ideas in your head, or it can change the way you feel about certain issues. Yet, in America, the land of the free, a place where you’re meant to be able to believe and say what you like, they are trying to stop children from reading some of the greatest works of Literature, oh and Twilight. As shown here some parents believe that the Literature some children read is unsuitable, and shouldn’t be on offer at Schools.

Yes, some of these books ( top 10) may contain material which some may find offensive, be it sexual content or racist language. But, the key thing these parents are missing is that the books aren’t scriptures, they aren’t telling your children to go out and have sex, or to go out and join the local Tea Party or the KKK. In fact, many of the books contain Anti-racist sentiments, “To Kill A Mocking Bird” and “Catcher in the Rye” spring to mind. Even Twilight, which has “sexually explicit material”, has the message of waiting until you are really in love, and that you are 100% sure you want to have sex with someone; admitally this message of waiting is to do with deciding between a Werewolf or a sparkly Vampire, but the point is still there. Okay yes, one of the books deserves to be on the list, not because it contains explicit material not suitable for children, but because it is written totally in text speak, which come on, is just bloody annoying. Often the books contain material which some may see as offensive in order to give off an important message to children, giving them the idea of true values, and letting the children decide on issues.

Let us not forget that this is the age of the internet, where anyone can go and find explicit material, regardless of how old they are. If they’re banning Literature because it contains material “some” may find offensive, then surely they should be banning the internet, and not allowing their children online? Also, I wonder how many of these parents “just looking out for their children”, read and take values from the Bible. The same Bible which some find to be anti-gay, anti-Muslim, anti-pretty much anything someone wants it to be. If someone is banning a book about two male penguins because they decide to look after an orphaned baby, then surely the Bible, in which the city of Sodom was destroyed, should be banned as well. Oh, it doesn’t work like that does it?

God Bless America, Land of the Free.

Thursday 23 September 2010

Poetry Corner (Use the bin provided)

My first ever attempt at any form of poetry:

The sky moonless before us
Whispering thoughts filled the air
Unspoken words we hoped to confess
Yet trapped in the mind’s snare

Looking towards one another
Hoping for the rose to bloom
Feelings we decide to smother
The darkness beginning to consume

Light faltering in our hearts
The silence starting to take hold
The rose now withered on the ground
Fool’s gold disguised as love
Neither wanting to be the dove

Musings of the bored mind

We all want out lives to mean something, the things we do to mean something, yet deep down we all know that we’re nothing, we’re as insignificant as an ant; well, that isn’t true, the ant has meaning, the ant has a role in its world, we have none, and we have no task to complete. This is why look for that hidden meaning, for something to make us important, mostly this lies in Religion, using it as a standard of meaning. Yet sometimes, sometimes we find meaning in people, and more importantly in love. But this once most pure of hopes has been polluted by commercialism, mostly though, by the “one”. We’ve been told that finding love no longer matters, we need to find the one. Before, when life was simple, you’d fall in love and that was that, you stayed together till you died, even then you spent the afterlife together. Now though, you fall in love, you stay together until you begin to get premonitions about the one, and whether the person you’re with is the one, or whether you’ve made a mistake. Then, what was once a happy relationship, a happy friendship, ends, all because of the “one”. We shower each other with gifts, with false words, with false love, until we find the one; then we shower them with gifts, with true words, with the truest of true loves, until we find the one. Some aren’t like that, but they are the few in this dying age of Romance. They believe that love is enough, that there is no one, we are not destined for someone. That the search for the “one”, sullies the name of love, that it destroys the magical feeling of being in love. They believe in the hope of love, that by not looking for love, you find the purest form of it, the hope that binds them to that forgotten course. I guess that’s the hypocrisy of this modern age. By not believing in the one, will lead you to find them.

Wednesday 22 September 2010

Musings of the bored mind

Here's a Haiku I wrote in my creative writing enrichment class, and also some random phrases I thought that I want to write some stories based around them.

Love blossoms inside
Catching us unaware but
drawing us close

I know this isn't a haiku in the truest sense of the word.

Entwined in their forlorn search for love

Lost in the sea of what if...

Looking for that spark, yet missing the light blossoming before her

The hope that binds us to this forgotten course

We spend our life searching for the one, yet missing the moments that draw others to us.

Looking into our own heart can be the most painful thing, letting others into our heart can be the most magical of feelings.

Most of these are pretty meh, but they were all done on the spur of the moment in the space of five minutes

Friday 3 September 2010

100 Albums you must attempt to listen to before you get bored and put on radio one on instead

My attempt to write something everyday sort of failed; so instead I have decided to produce a list of 100 albums, not necessarily my favourite, nor necessarily important albums in terms of what they meant for music, but just albums that meant something to me. Using the wonder that is excel, I’ve randomly selected the order that the albums are in, just in case an artist stumbles across this and sees JLS above them, and decides to quit music all together; mind you, if there was a U2 album in the list, and that situation occurred with Bono, then, yes, this is in a set order, and yes JLS whooped your Irish behind. Doing this means I haven’t got to worry my poor brain through thinking of things to write about. I know these wont be to the standard that you’d find on Pitchfork, but at least they wont all be 8/10 as they are in certain magazines *cough* NME *cough*Anyway, I’m beginning to drone on, and I’m sure you’ve all got better things to do on the internet then to read my waddle (zomg someone might have wrote on your wall!). I know you’re all on tenterhooks, so let’s crack on with the list.


Love’s The Most Expensive Comedy-Cheap Mondays

According to their lastfm page (whatever would we do without this website. If you haven’t been on it yet, I urge you to do so, it’s like wikipedia crossed with John Peel) “The Cheap Mondays started their life in 2007.” I’m not sure whether this means they were formed in 2007, or whether it means they were created in a science lab, and they’re a new meaning to the term “manufactured pop”.

Cheap Mondays are an unsigned Indie (real indie, not the new indie name which is given to people willy nilly) band from Italy. Now, with most unsigned bands, you’d expect their first offering to sound raw and unpolished, yet Love’s… sounds as though it has been produced on a major label. They’ve clearly been influenced by the Strokes, (much like most alternative indie bands post This Is It) both instrumentally and vocally, shut your eyes and you could be forgiven for believing you were listening to Julian Casablancas rather than Francesco Bianchi, but this isn’t a bad thing.

For an Italian band, they have a wonderful grasp of the English language; from the typical teenage fascination with love/sex in opening track Petals, “Sparks of desire are breaking you down”; to the ironic critique of people trying to relive the 80’s, themselves included, in Relics of The 80’s, “We are relics off the 80’s/Boys with ties and depressed wannabes.”

Overall, the album offers much potential for Cheap Mondays, if they manage to find the right label, you can see them going far. If you’re into your Strokes or early Franz Ferdinand, ie before they turned shit, then these guys are probably right up your ally. I just hope you manage to find this band before the genetically modified boybands under the control of Simon Cowell destroy the world in a puff of hairspray.


Emotion filled text (I am not an emo)

The Abyss

The tears rolled down my cheek, burning; but I did not move to wipe them off. Leaving them to remind me, to scar me. The feeling began to well up again; I knew I should stop it, but I couldn’t. I didn’t want to.

My hand moved forward to pick up the crumpled photograph. My finger feeling the cracks; hovering over it, images forming in my head: sad images, images filled with hate, filled with love, filled with nothing. Spit formed in my mouth.

I pulled myself to my feet, and looked to the sky. How could something so beautiful, hold so much death? I pondered. The ringing began again. The thunder rolled over the mountains. The wind changed direction. I looked up again into the sky. A rain drop fell onto my face; it became one with the tears. The ringing grew louder. My eyes darted left to right, taking in all I could see. Perhaps these will be my last sights? Perhaps these will be my first sights?

I moved closer. The ringing never ceasing. The picture fell to the ground, and was blown away in the wind; just as my dreams had been blown away. The ringing drowned out my thoughts. My feet moved towards it, my hand reached out, grasped nothing.

I took a breath, the air filling my lungs. Filling me with hope, yet filling me with despair. The ringing was too loud. I moved closer, feet tipping over the edge. The ringing would not stop. It could not stop. Wait, no. I can make it stop, I thought. I looked up to the sky. My fingers touched my heart, tears formed again. “Goodbye” I whispered into the wind.

I moved into the abyss. Ending my life; restarting my life. The ringing ceased.

I see

I look into your azure filled eyes and I see everything I crave in life:
I see acceptance of who I am for what I am;
I see belief, I see the belief you have put into me, I see the need to believe;

I see reasons to carry on with my path;
I see hope, the hope you have in me, the hope I’ve reinstalled in myself;
I see the beginning of something wonderful
Most of all though, I see love, the love I’ve given unconditionally, the love I’ve needed, love returned

I tilt my head to one side, you respond with a movement of your own

I now peer into the gloom and see everything I despise:
I see hatred of what I’ve become;

I see a lack of conviction, in my actions, in my thoughts, in my beliefs;

I see my compass pointing in the wrong direction;

I see a forlorn hope;

I see a mistake;

I see something said, but never meant;

I move my head towards yours, I feel the touch of glass.

Love Lost

I collapsed to the floor, blood cascading from my neck. My life force slowly ebbing from me. My mind becoming clearer, with every drop that escaped. I was finally free to wonder, free to work it all out.

The day it all changed has always been at the forefront of my mind. It was the last day of summer, we had decided to the beach to create a day we would remember, and remember it we did. The sun was slowly setting, illuminating the beach in a golden haze. I turned to her. She turned to me. The light filtered through her hair, lighting up her face into the epitome of beauty. She tilted her head, causing my heart to skip a beat. I knew I had to say something; the moment was too perfect for me to let it slip through my grasp. My mouth opened, throat seized. An inaudible whisper escaped from the Bastille. Her eyes widened and she asked me to say it again.

“I love you,” I croaked just loud enough for her to hear.
“Y-y-you what?” She whispered back, eyes open wide in shock.
“I love you. I love you more than the stars above. When I look at you, I understand why a thousand ships were launched for Helen. I know there has to be a God when I’m with you, something this beautiful, in body, mind, and spirit could not be created by chance. I’ve loved you since the moment you first spoke the word hello to me. I…” I stopped there, looking at her. As I saw her reaction, my heart sank. I knew by saying what I had wanted to say in years, that I had crossed by Rubicon. And looking at her, I knew by doing what I did, I had chosen the wrong crossing, I had gone too far.
“That’s lovely. You’re lovely. But, I’m with him. You know that. And, you know how I feel about him. Which is why nothing can come from this. I hope you find someone that is worthy of you. You deserve to be truly happy with someone. Someone else. I love you. But, I love him more. And it shall stay that way. I’m sorry.”
With that she moved closer and gave me a hug that meant goodbye. Whenever I close my eyes I can still feel her arms, feel her heartbeat. She turned and walked away into now what was darkness. Her body merged with the night, being lost from my sight, being lost from me.

I realise now that I had put her on a mountain too high for anyone else to scale. No one could match her. My soul could not, would not allow that to happen. From then onwards I was a walking shell. I could not be reached by anyone. I knew it must end. I knew I had to get out of it, somehow.

Tears could no longer be produced. The blood flow had ceased. I knew this was the end. Her face filled my head. The last breath escaping from my lungs. The knife fell from my hand.

Forlorn Hope

People say that is the end. Nothing follows it, no heaven, and no hell. Just darkness. A never ending darkness. But surely, darkness counts as something? For there to be darkness, there has to be light. Where there is light, there is hope. Where there is hope, there is life. Where there is life, there is love. Where there is love, there is heaven.

There is one thing that binds this world together, that is love. Love, is the one true magic, the one holy thing. But there is one love that can ruin, end everything. The forbidden love can tear the world apart, at the sinews of the heart.

The love that can never cease, the love that will never be extinguished; no matter how many people it may hurt, no matter how many people it will destroy. The love which is not returned, but left floating in limbo, ripping your heart and soul into pieces.

The mind boggles at those, that even in this situation, carry on loving, carry on dreaming, carry on hoping. Surely, they know that they can never claim their prize? They will never be able to look into her eyes, and see their love reflected back. Never be able to become one with the one they love. But I guess, this is their forlorn hope, to believe in something, to pray for something, and yet, know they will never get it, never be answered.


I pulled down my headphones, and pressed play. Some people say music inspires them; well to me it just drowns out the unnecessary noise. I grunted with appreciation as my knife came down, sinking into the canvas. My hand moving in time with the beat of the music, driving left to right. The colours sprayed over the protective sheet underneath me. A scream blasted through my ears.

Work had been hard lately, I thought to myself. Nobody wanted this type of art any more, they were all too fascinated with “modern” art, well I will show them, I will show them real art, and I will murder that tripe. The beat intensified, the scream grew louder, my hand moved faster.

My first targets to convert to my art will be the critics that put me down, those that ruined me. I will show them, I will make them kneel to my masterpiece, and they will never see such work as beautiful as this, again. The music reached its pinnacle, the scream finishing mid-flow; this was music. My hand circled, before slamming down into the canvas.

I took a step back, and admired the art before me. I had finished, this will show them, and this will make them value me, and my work again. I took the headphones off, the final scream echoed in my ears. I helped the knife up, looked up into the ceiling, muttering a silent prayer, before thudding the knife down onto the body before me, the colours splattered the sheet again.

The greatest artists are nothing before they die; I have to move onto greatness, they have to see my brilliance. My breathing began to slow, a fluid started to fill my mouth. I feel forwards, smashing the mirror that I had been admiring moments before. They will see my brilliance, they will know of me. As I landed on the floor, feeling the knife slice through me, I thought my final, brilliant thoughts; after all, you have to live before you can die, you have to die in order for others to discover, know you.

The Run

As I was running, tears rolled down my cheeks - I just wanted to get away! How could they have found me? After all this, it was her that had given me away. The one person that was meant to be on my side, fighting for me, was the one to betray me.

I looked back, I could hear the dogs. They were nearly upon me. I moved my hand to my cheek, wiping the tears away. The hurt, was slowly being replaced by anger. How could she have done this? I spat my distaste. The anger fuelled me, my pace began to quicken. I had to survive this, not to carry on living, but to get back at her. She would regret this. The dog’s barks began to blur into the distance.

”I love you. I will always love you.” Her voice rang in my ears. My hands rolled into fists; my teeth tightened. “I can never leave you. They wont get you, I wont let them” Why would she give up on me? Why would she turn her back on me? Her face appeared in my mind. It was the last time we had been free; the light broke through the gaps in her hair, forming a halo behind her. She was perfect, she emitted beauty. That was before; before freedom was taken away from us; before they had come to power. My foot got caught in an open root, I tumbled over.

Pain erupted in my foot. My ankle was broken, just like my heart, just like my soul. The dogs came closer. I could hear the patter of their feet, the hunger in their bark. A dark shame loomed over me. It would seem I hadn’t gotten away. Her face; her beautiful; perfect face. The anger swelled. She couldn’t have betrayed me. Her face. She wouldn’t have. The breath loomed in my nose. Her face…

Together, Always

My eyes moved to the map lying on the seat beside me; it was too dark to work out which route I was supposed to take. My knuckles grew whiter, as I gripped the steering wheel in frustration. How was I meant to meet her, if I could not work out where I was meant to go?

I did not know why she had wanted to meet out in the wilderness like this, but I did not care. The only thing I was thinking about was seeing her smile; her beautiful smile. The smile could tear down any Bastille I placed around my heart.

I moved forward in my seat, peering into the darkness. I could see a light hovering in the distance. “That is her. That must be her” I said out loud. My heart began to beat faster; I could feel the blood rushing through my ears. The light began to get closer.

The road began to take a decline. “Why did she want to meet here? I know we had had our rough patches, but I knew we could talk them out. Why meet out here? Where is here?” I thought to myself. The light grew ever closer. I could hear the wheels going through large puddles of water. I suddenly remembered how she said she loved the rain; how being in the rain made her do things she thought she could never bring herself to do. I was almost at the light.

The decline in the road stopped all of a sudden; I felt the car go over a gap of some sorts. Then, the car was falling front first. I looked out of the front screen to see a lantern swaying in the heavy rain, tied to a pole. On the lantern was a picture, I frantically tried to see what it was as the car fell. Lightning cracked across the sky, illuminating the picture. It was the image that had ruined me and her; the image that would stay burned in her eyes forever.

As the car crashed into the sea, the message she sent to me, stating she wanted to speak, set things straight, flashed through my mind; “We’ll be together, whether the weather worsens or not.”

I got told by my better half to write something differently for a change. For once it couldn’t be about someone dying, and the narrator would have to be a “happy go-lucky person”. Well, I tried, sadly the latter part failed, but I always knew it would. It’s probably one of the worst pieces I’ve written, but oh well, have to try everything once.

The Mountain.

My fingers caressed the sand, feeling every grain, touching every stone. The sun beat down on my naked torso, sweat poured off my brow.

I wouldn’t normally choose to come to the beach, but then again, I normally didn’t do things I wanted; I’m what people would call dependable; they’d call me popular as well, but I knew that only stemmed from the fact I was dependable. If someone needed a ride, someone to talk too, someone to go out with, or even someone to get high with, I’d be that person. Yet, today was different, I’d decided to come to the beach; not because I wanted too, but because I knew deep down, someone else wanted too, they were just too scared no-one would show up. They weren’t popular enough. Which I suppose was true. I’ve never understood why people wanted to be popular, why they strived to be on top of the mountain. Once you’ve reached the summit, you realise it’s a lonely place.

Deep in thought I didn’t notice when the shadow loomed over me. Nor did I notice when she sat down next to me.
“What-cha thinking?”She asked. Her sweet melodic voice drawing me back from my thoughts.
“Huh? Oh nothing.” I quickly replied.
“Here, it’s cold.” She said handing me a beer. My hand reached out for the beer, yearning for it’s refreshing touch. In the hastiness of taking the bottle from her, our fingers touched. I placed the drink in my mouth, longing for the silence that would come from it; she took of her glasses and I knew the silence I had hoped for would not be coming.

“I just wanted to say thanks for asking me here. It’s the first time I’ve been asked out in like forever.” She said, and I could feel the gratitude emanating from her.
“Don’t mention it. You used to be my best friend, and I’ve been meaning to see you properly in a year or so. It’s such a shame those fools back there don’t know how much of a great laugh you are.” I said gesturing to the others behind us. As I told her this, I saw the saddest smile form on her face.
“You’re just saying that. They’d never invite someone like me. I’m too low down on the food chain for them to even notice me. Anyway, I just wanted to say thanks, I’ll be going now, I don’t want too ruin you’re rep.” She stood up.
“Wait. Ruin my rep? Do you really think I’m like them?” Again gesturing behind.
“No, yes, I don’t know. All I know is you’re cool now, and you fit in with them; I’m most certainly not cool and nor do I fit in here. So, I’ll be seeing you around.” She turned round and walked off the beach and out of my life.
The mountain can be a lonely place.
As I stood up to rejoin the others, I noticed she’d left her glasses on the sand. When I bent down to pick them up, I saw my reflection in them. I froze staring at myself, wondering when I changed from an outsider, to head of the pack. I shook my head, and walked over to my pride.

As the sun began to descend, the beers began to flow. Again I moved away from the others, and sat down staring into the ocean. This time I was aware of when someone was coming over to intrude on my solitude.
“Alright Dylan?” I called out, as he stumbled towards me.
“Yeah man, it’s all good. So, you got an answer for me?” He slurred.
“For what?” I wasn’t sure whether I was meant to have an answer for something, or whether in his drunken haze he imagined that he had asked me something.
“Aye, an answer. So who do you like? And don’t say that there isn’t anyone, as there always is.” He said perfectly. Perhaps it was me that was drunk.
“Well, I’m afraid this time there isn’t anyone.” I replied.

My fingers caressed the glasses.


Who Killed Mario?

‘When people ask the question, “what is the greatest game series of the past twenty years?” you expect the generic answers; Mario, Sonic, Final Fantasy, Zelda, among others. Me, being my usual alternative self, disagree. Yes, they’re all great games, but, they have nothing on what I would class as the greatest game series of the past twenty years.

It was in the year 2000, when Christmas actually meant something to me, that I discovered the brilliance that is Dynasty Warriors. I can remember ripping open the wrapping, knowing that it had to be a game for our brand new PlayStation two, (not the slick, slim version, but the full, two tonne weighing eyesore version) and seeing a picture that can evoke so many emotions in an eight year olds head; it was a collage of warriors wielding more weapons than I knew existed at that age, and underneath a spear in blood red characters was “Dynasty Warriors 2”. Little did I know when opening it, that it would change not only my view on gaming, but also my views on culture.

At this point, it’s best if I give you a little background knowledge on Dynasty Warriors. The games (there have been 6 main versions, many with spin offs of their own) are based around the period in China known as “The Three Kingdoms”; China was split into three main areas, Wei (blue), Wu (red) and Shu (green). Each battled, and formed alliances to unite China under one rule.
In the games, you pick a warrior from one of the factions and battle enemies to conquer China for your leader. In some versions you could customise your own faction, which was epic. What could be more fun than giving your character a massive sword, a slightly racist name, and seeing upon the screen, “Maso Wang is the greatest warrior in the Three Kingdoms”? Many amusing childhood hours were spent doing so.

With all action games, you have a “the big bad guy” and Dynasty Warriors is no different. If you choose to battle for Wu or Shu, then the baddie is “Cao Cao”; he’s your generic bad guy, poor voice over, daft name, he even has a trident beard, can you think of anyone who has a trident beard, who isn’t either desperately evil or a slightly gay pirate? But regardless of which faction you decide to fight for, the character you have to beat, you feel is your duty to China to beat, is “Lu Bu”. Lu Bu, is the hardest character in the game, (think of Bowser from Mario, Ganondorf from Zelda and Eggman from Sonic. rolled into one giant endgame boss),he is almost impossible to beat one on one. And the annoying (or great) thing is, he appears in the second level. The toughest boss in the game, is in the second level, that’s how Koei rolls. When you become man enough to face him, you do feel as though you are fighting for your life, he is that bloody scary, you spend hours trying to think of a strategy to beat him. I came up with the cowardly hit and run tactic, I’d run in, attack him, run out, get some health, and repeat. When you do finally kill him, (after respawning fifty gajillion times) the surge of emotions you get is unreal, and so far unmatched in any game I’ve played. Not even when you become adult link in Ocarina of Time. You feel as though you have taken up the honour of being the greatest fighter of the age, “you keep what you kill”, if you will. Perhaps that had something to do with me being eight, but I feel if I did kill him now, I’d still feel the same.’

The critics out there will be saying, but the game play was terrible, all you did was hack and slash. And while this may be the case, there was a defined artistic nature to it. It was this nature that made the game brilliant. In most games, if all you did was kill enemy after enemy, it would get boring, but with this, it got funnier. I could, and did, spend hours killing as many as I could, (Record is 1567 for those asking) without it getting repetitive. That is what made the game great to me. Those with a hatred of video games, and what they stood for, said what is the good of a game, where you go around killing hundreds of people? In my eyes, I was helping to keep control of the population levels in the highest populated country on earth. I was helping save the planet.

Since playing on Dynasty Warriors 2 and the whole series, I have gone on to love anything that is Asian. My favourite films are Asian, one of my favourite bands are J-Rock. It shows how much these games have influenced me as a person. And, surely that is the making of a great game series?
Also, a spear wielding ninja, would beat a jumpsuit wearing Italian plumber any day.

Retro Corner

Last time I spoke about the brilliance that is Dynasty Warriors, this time I shall be speaking of the best console ever created. Forget your PS3’s, your Xbox360’s, even your SNES, for this console passes them all; I am of course talking about Nintendo’s N64. Everything about this console oozed sex, the games, the look of it,. Hell, even the name is sexy, like some sort of alien sexbot, just not as advanced as the N69 model. There are of course many other reasons as to why this console rocked my socks, if the name isn’t enough to satisfy you.

When I received my N64 from yet again good old Santa (notice a pattern with brilliant things I get?), I didn’t quite know what to expect. I mean, I had had the wonderful creation that is the SNES, which tragically lost it’s life in a ferocious battle with the vanguard of Orange Squash, and I believed nothing could surpass that. So, I apprehensively plugged the console into my tele and inserted the game that came with it, Mario 64. As the screen turned black my heart was beating wildly, (obviously I can’t remember it doing so, but thought a bit of emotion would add something to this text, bring it too life as they say. If it isn’t doing so, please message me and we can come to some form of bribery to keep you quiet) and then a massive moustache wielding, hat wearing face appeared on the screen, and the immortal words followed it, “It’s a me Mario”. But, there was something more epic than a camp looking Italian plumber was on the title screen; you could play with his face! I mean, you could pull his nose, stretch his facial hair, in fact, you could do anything up to violating him, perhaps you could even do that if you collected all the red coins and stars. Can you think of a game on the PS3 or 360 allowing you to do this?

The N64 is regarded to have many of the must have/best ever console games: GoldenEye (yes based on the James Bond film starring the one voice actor Sean Bean) is regarded as the best fps (for those not literate in computer gaming terms, it stands for “First Person Shooter”) ever made. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is one of , if not the, greatest Action-Adventure games of all time. Mario Kart, the lightest yet amazing racing game of the last 20 years. Hell, even Pokemon Stadium was an amazing single/multiplayer game. Yes, there were some fails of games for the console, but what console doesn’t have these? And, in the case of the N64, these games were certainly in the minority. Every single one of these games could be played now, yes they’ll look slightly out of date, but the game play of them would be able to stand tall against the games of today.

The power of the N64 was something incredible. I’ve read in one my geeky computering magazines, I mean, I only read them when I’m not reading through Nuts or FHM magazine, that the power of the N64 was far more advanced than the power in the space rocket that took Armstrong and co to the moon. Now, that’s out of this world! I apologise for that, but it needed to be said. This meant the games could be pushed to the limit graphics and content wise. Sometimes they looked blurred, but when they worked, by god they worked. Mario 64 is the perfect example of the graphics getting it right.

The characters in the games were exceptional, so subtle and lifelike in both appearance and character. Yes, this is the games not the console. But, without the console, the games wouldn’t have been created, so I’m counting them for the console. I’m the writer, so deal with it sucker! Mario has to be one of the best characters created, in the history of gaming. His commitment to saving Princess Peach, despite her needing saving every bleeding day, I’d have left her by now, he still goes after her, regardless of how often she gets kidnapped by a stalker dinosaur, is just lovely and heart-warming. Despite Link, From Ocarina of time, never speaking, you do feel as though you know him. And, through his trials to save the land of Hyrule, from a child to an adult (the part you grow up is so damn cool), you grow with him. The characters of the console add so much towards the elegance of the console.

Lastly, the N64 is able to bring so much joy by simply playing it. The playsation’s, xbox’s, and any other console you can think of, were all so impersonal, where as the N64 was like your best friend, always there in your time of need. It had a game for every occasion, every emotion. If you couldn’t find a game on it you liked, or one that suited you, well, you have no soul, and need to be exorcised immediately, God save us all.

If after reading this you still do not want to play on the N64, then go outside and socialise man, I’m off to kick some Bowser Butt, and you’re dead to me.

It’s a real sport I tell you

Ping-Pong! (2002)

Sport is one of the few things relatively untouched by the Hollywood effect; this is down to the fact that sport itself contains enough drama to satisfy it’s audience. On the few occasions when Hollywood manages to foray into the sporting arena, the product is often on a par with England’s attempt at achieving glory in a world cup. So when I was informed of a film based not only sport, but on the sport of Ping Pong, and that it was based on a Japanese Manga comic, I viewed it with apprehension. I certainly did not expect to be blown away.

The key thing separating Ping Pong from most films based around Sporting events, is that the sport takes a back-seat to the storyline, with the focus being centred around two characters and how through the medium of Ping Pong, they and their friendship develops. The two friends are teenagers Peco, and ironically named Smile (He has only smiled once). You learn that the two became unlikely friends when Peco saved Smile as a child from bullys. It is from here that Smile began to see Peco as a “Hero”, and Peco longs to uphold the image. The bonds between the two grew as Peco taught Smile how to play Ping Pong. As they grow older, it is Smile who becomes the better of the two at the sport; however we learn that Smile allows Peco to beat him, as he doesn’t want to upset him. The main focal point of the story is the inter-school championships. Both Peco and Smile lose in their matches, with Peco being thrashed by Dragon, the best player of their age range (Dragon is from a strict school, set out to appear much like Shaolin Monks in their training), and Smile loses to China, a failed Chinese National team try-out; yet it is set out to suggest Smile allowed himself to lose, as China’s coach was threatening to drop him if he lost. Peco’s defeat shows to himself that he was not as good as he was led to believe by Smile, and he stops playing Ping Pong, and instead spends his time in arcades. Smile though is set a strict training programme by his Coach, a former Ping Pong player nicknamed Butterfly Joe. It is through this training regime, that Smile begins to develop the ruthlessness he lacked before. Peco eventually regains his passion for Ping Pong, and both characters enter the next inter-school championship, vying to win.

The camera shots used in the film are superb. With the film based around Ping Pong, it was key that the shots of the matches were of the highest quality, and it has certainly fulfilled that aim. At the key moments in the matches, the camera follows the ball as it is hit between the two combatants, and you are able to see every revolution, every ounce of spin placed on the ball. When the camera isn’t focussed on the ball, it is on the movement of the and the wonderful choreography of the players. The two come together perfectly, and it can justifiably be compared to the camera work used in the Matrix films.

The film also features many symbolic moments, in which the Ping Pong is used to show key moments and meanings in everyday life, there are three scenes which spring to mind: Peco is seen to be a hero by Smile, this is shown by flashbacks to a sepia tinned world when they were children, and Peco, who is wearing a mask, is seen to be standing protectively above Smile; another key scene is when Peco, who has given up Ping Pong, realises he lives for the sport. He goes to a bridge, and is about to jump off when a policeman stops him, thinking he is suicidal, Peco states he isn’t, and that “I can fly”, he then proceeds to jump off the bridge, and into the water below. This shows how he is being reborn, and re-entering the world of Ping Pong; the last key scene features near the end, in the match between Peco and Dragon, who had once comfortably beaten Peco. Halfway through the match, the background is blanked out, and the two characters are just alone, playing in a white space. This is symbolic that shows both characters have reached the stage where they are just enjoying the game, and that neither cares who wins, just that they are playing. They have reached Nirvana. This three scenes, while based on the sport of Ping Pong, can be transported into the real world. We all strive for a hero, someone to look up to, someone to protect us. If you have lost yourself, you are able to be reborn, able to reignite your passion. And in the end, all we long for is to find our Nirvana, to be happy with what we are doing, and who we are.

This isn’t a film you would go and watch with “the lads”, and this isn’t a film which would win an Oscar; this is a film which you’d want to watch with someone you care for greatly. The Wire didn’t win any awards, yet is widely known as the greatest TV drama. This is a film in which you genuinely feel privileged to have seen. The script is superbly written, the camera work on a par with major Hollywood productions, and the acting is warming. All in all, it is a very good film, and well worth a watch.